Sunday, February 25, 2007

Saving Balto, Part 2

The city of Cleveland went into action. Schoolkids collected coins, factory workers passed a hat, and community members donated whatever they could manage. The Balto Fund raised the needed money in just ten days! Balto was saved!

On March 19, 1927, Balto and six other hero sled dogs were transported to the Cleveland zoo from California to live out their days in comfort. 15,000 visitors came to see them their first day. Balto lived almost six more years and died at the age of 14. His body is preserved and on exhibit at The Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Except for a five month visit to the Anchorage Museum of History and Art in 1998, Balto's mount has remained in Ohio.

1 comment:

jbowman1993 said...

Go Mom! Have a great trip to Alaska! Take Pictures!

Love, Joe